Mini Wheelers

Mini Wheelers are riders aged 2-5 years that are beginning BMX racing.

They ride balance bikes.

The aim is to get them into the sport and excited about BMX racing.

When they are ready, they can transition onto a BMX racing bike with pedals.



They will need a membership to race. This can be used at any track throughout Australia.

Check out our Memberships Page for details



Balance Bike (Hills have spare Striders if wanting to try)

Helmet, can be any bike helmet, but we recommend a full face BMX helmet.

Gloves - Which you can buy from a bike shop.

Long sleeve top, long pants and sneakers.

You can buy BMX jersey and pants.



Nominate at the Rego Hut, costs $4 per week for Racing.

Nominations are from 6.15pm - 7pm.


Meet at the Finish Area at 7pm for Racing & some Games. Races are not scored, they are for fun!



Mini Wheelers have the same qualifying criteria which normally includes racing a certain number of weeks and volunteering.

All Mini Wheelers that qualify will receive a trophy.



Mini Wheelers can race at State Series Events and States Titles - all riders receive a trophy.

They are normally held once per month at tracks around Perth and country tracks. See our calendar ot talk to the Committee about the Events coming up



If you have any Questions please Contact Us